Back pain, what doctor to address

If the back pain, the doctor contact in question affects a lot of people, that you collide with a vexing problem. Especially with age, the back pain appears more often and more strong, if not solve the problem. You can have different nature: sharp, aching, pulling. When there are "terrible" feeling, a feeling of discomfort, the man appear thoughts, back pain, and to what doctor to address, that will help you cope with this disease. First, it is necessary to disassemble the main reasons of such a state. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis on the basis of a careful inspection, the results of studies.

the pain in the back

Causes of back pain

Considered to be the main causes of pain:

  1. Disease neurologic (hernia of the intervertebral discs).
  2. The curvature of the spine.
  3. Pleurisy.
  4. Cancer education.
  5. Kidney problems.
  6. Several problems connected with the internal organs.

All of these options reasons for the patient to think about which doctor to go, if the back pain. Not worth the effort to make this a serious obstacle to what is necessary to get help of a professional in the field of medicine. Remember that without a timely treatment, the miracle does not occur, then you must, as soon as possible contact your doctor. You need to do, first of all, for the problems in this field that is not steel, repeated and amplified in the course of time. You can in some situations (lack of understanding the correct diagnosis) cause the impairment of: hypothermia; lift heavy objects; the infection.

If you have a chronic illness and this back pain to a doctor, in contact – the issue should be simple, make an appointment with the doctor. Different diseases can cause pain of a different nature, then you need to consider. For example, if you are in this moment of aching, pain, then this can be connected with the inflammation need medical help neurologist.

To what doctor to address to me, if the back pain and stabbing feeling? This problem can occur due to some diseases of the respiratory system or the genito-urinary tract. In this situation, you need help from a urologist or pulmonologist. Stabbed in the back can also for the reason that the man is hurt his back, and then, if the back pain neurologists will help you.

A question, to which the doctor ask if the back pain, if you do not know. Vertebrologist is a doctor, the student, the study of dorsal spines and its pathologies. You careful so examine you, and will be the general framework of the disease.

You have sciatica or low back pain, hernia and a bad back that needs a doctor in this situation? Here we help you expert neurologist. You can also diagnose the inflammatory process.

To what doctor to address to me, if the back pain a woman's back? To the gynecologist, this discomfort can speak of an ectopic pregnancy or inflammation of the reproductive system. In addition, also for a healthy pregnancy it can become the main cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar area.

If you constantly back pain adequate reception of medicines can only give the doctor, who has already put a correct diagnosis on the basis of the results of the survey, analysis.

A fall, an incident of back pain, the doctor will look carefully, it's not worth strengthening with the visit of the professional. Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious. If a person has suffered serious injury, here and think for a long time is not necessary, urgent, you need to call an ambulance. This is only properly the decision.

Severe back pain a doctor will help you to cope with this phenomenon? If you don't know who to go to, sign up to receive the therapist. As soon as you get to a doctor, the faster you will be able to get rid of the disease, that, perhaps for a long time, worried.

If the neurologist has not put the diagnosis, but continued back pain what type of doctor is, who to contact? Make an appointment with a urologist. The cause of the problem could be a signal of patients, work evil to the kidneys.

Unexpected, severe back pain the doctor will help you delete, but for this you need a bit ' of time that you want to spend for a detailed search of the body and obtain accurate results exams.

If you need an endocrinologist, the treating physician, the back pain associated with the lack of trace elements, to which it refers, for example, calcium, hurry up to come to him and get advice.

the causes of the pain

In this case, if due to arthritis or osteoarthritis appeared on the sore back to what doctor to address? In this situation will help you expert rheumatologist. You carefully examine the connective tissue. Severe back pain who to contact? Of course, you need to hurry and to make an appointment with a doctor in the clinic, entrusting their actual health professionals. Let you no longer worried about the issue, back pain that needs a doctor, at the medical center will help you for sure, will be happy to contact an expert, the neck of the specialists.

If you suspect that you are worried about an old injury, it appeared a back pain doctor to go to for help? Here you will carefully examine the medico traumatologo, he explores the problems of the past, perhaps, you hit the back, after working hard.

Back pain, back pain who to contact in this situation? Subscribe to an oncologist, because the unpleasant sensations (back pain) can be a tumor as benign and malignant nature. Not worth the effort of strengthening and increasing to a technician.

In this way, if you have a question, back pain which doctor to address, before take an appointment from the doctor, he will send you to a specialist (neurologist, urologist, endocrinologist).

If the back pain the physician should contact

To the question, to what doctor to address if the back pain, the answer is clear to a technician. Of course, the first time that this problem occurs, before then, none of you has not put any diagnosis, then you need to make an appointment with the family doctor, the general practitioner. Only after the doctor carefully, we will examine, we will ask you some questions to clarify, you can seek the advice of other specialists. If the back pain welcome to the following doctors, you must have:

  1. Physician neurologist.
  2. The doctor - the urologist.
  3. The doctor is a gynecologist.

Each of these professionals carefully examine you and will appoint a special examination, to be sure of a precise diagnosis. From this will depend on your further treatment.

If you're constantly worried about the back pain which doctor I could ask for advice and recommendations. If the reason for this is that can the spine, then she will take care of a true professional in the industry, with experience vertebrologist. In this case, if the case, the crushing of a nerve, the nerve tissue is irritated, the landing of an inflammatory process, then you need to look in the office a neurologist. But, when the main problem lies in the degree of the internal organs, then it is necessary to consult a cardiologist.


To determine the causes introduced pain, it is necessary not only to a medical examination, but also a series of additional studies, without which it is impossible to imagine a full picture found a problematic situation. Each patient can be assigned:

  1. X-ray of the spine.
  2. Analysis of blood and urine.
  3. Ultrasound of the hip.

Thanks to this analysis it is possible to exclude certain diseases, and put the right diagnosis.

Methods of treatment of back pain

Developed some methods to get rid of the pain:

  1. Chiropractic.
  2. Therapeutic exercise.
  3. The massage.

Quite complex cases, it is not possible to do without a surgical intervention. In addition, for the treatment are necessary special, assigned medical drugs. They help to reduce the sensation of pain. Physiotherapy, also, are no less effective way to get rid of the error, annoying pain. In the presence of financial capacity, can afford to relax on the mud resorts.

Therefore, only an integrated approach will help you quickly and effectively deal with the back pain. Do not neglect the advice of a medical expert, only a professional on the basis of his experience, knowledge, will prescribe a treatment that will help you avoid negative consequences.


If you do not want to deal with the back pain, it is important to pay attention to the following important and easily achievable recommendations:

the treatment and prevention
  1. Need to get enough sleep elastic bed with spring mattress not.
  2. Always keep a correct posture, strictly attention to this moment.
  3. It does not need much time to stand in the same position (especially if it is uncomfortable for you). If you work at the computer, and then take often small breaks, during which you are able to be pulled, to move.
  4. Organize the place of work, everything has to be so, as you will be comfortable and convenient: take a chair necessarily with a stiff back, the better, if not you will be armrests, rear head restraints (this will help you a little to raise the head and relax the muscles). Remember that your forearms should be on the table, and not to be found somewhere in weight, in the air.

The girls need a great attention to the high-heeled shoes, you must walk with those shoes more than two hours per day. Do not make tight curves or slopes, avoid unexpected loads. In that case, if you need to lift from the floor of a certain object, the better, and a little sit down and face this task, which is to fold. Also, if for some reason you have represented for a long time in the foot, for example, a couple of hours by public transport, then you definitely find a point of support, that can easily be lean. Closely monitor your weight, extra pounds have a detrimental effect on the health of your body. Contact to the normal physical education classes. This has a positive impact on your condition. Swimming and fitness also play an important role in taking care of themselves.